Our service includes a comprehensive consultation to help identify gaps and opportunities, a comprehensive statement of work (SOW) that includes a project plan with timelines and milestones, a cost analysis, and a schedule. We also offer a suite of quality products that will help you get there quickly and smoothly. That’s how we ensure your success.
Founder profile – Mark Fries started unloading airplanes for a freight airline as a college job in 1988. He worked his way up and 22 years later found himself directing their Field Service team and a member of their Process and Improvement team working mostly with the delivery agents around the country who facilitated their needs. After two other high level positions in transportation, he became the first Director of Quality Assurance at the largest same day, pick up and delivery company in the US. In a short five years, Mark developed their internal HazMat training/testing program and their Quality Management System cumulating in successfully securing ISO 9001:2015 certification. Transcompss was founded January 1, 2021 and has thousands of trainees to date. Mark resides in Columbus, Ohio with Corey, his wife of 24 years.
Our ramp up process is designed to empower your team and outfit them with the tools they need to succeed. Talk to us today about how we can support your growth, limit your turnover, and put you on a solid track to success and profit.